Cinco instituições de cinco países, AE Carlos Gargaté (Portugal), Directorate of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki (Grécia), Clare Education Centre (Irlanda), Department of Schools & Education (Dinamarca) e Karmoy Kommune- Educational Advisory Services (Noruega), participam no projeto Comenius multilateral RECIPE-Regional Educational Centres In Pedagogical Europe.
RECIPE utiliza métodos qualitativos de investigação-ação para investigar como as escolas podem trabalhar melhor, em parceria com os Centros Regionais de Educação (REC) para reduzir o abandono escolar precoce (ESL) abaixo dos 10%, uma das principais metas da agenda EUROPA 2020. Os Centros Regionais de Educação incluem uma ampla gama de departamentos governamentais, autoridades municipais de educação e centros de formação, oferecendo formação e apoio a redes locais de escolas dentro de uma variedade de contextos socioeconómicos, culturais e educacionais, em cinco países europeus. Centra-se na forma de melhor apoiar a formação de professores de acordo com as suas necessidades, no apoio ao trabalho dos diretores, bem como, auxiliar familiares e crianças de grupos desfavorecidos.
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Five institutions in five countries, AE Carlos Gargaté (Portugal), Directorate of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki (Greece), Clare Education Centre (Ireland), Department of Schools & Education (Denmark) and Karmoy Kommune- Educational Advisory Services (Norway), participate on the Comenius multilateral project RECIPE-Regional Educational Centres In Pedagogical Europe.
RECIPE uses qualitative methods of action-research to investigate how schools can best work in partnership with Regional Educational Centres RECs to reduce Early School Leaving (ESL) to below 10% - a Europe 2020 headline target. RECs include a wide range of government departments, municipal education authorities and pedagogical centres providing training and support to local networks of schools within a variety of socio-economic, cultural and educational contexts in five European countries. We focus on how RECs can best meet the training and support needs of teachers and school leaders working with the children and families of a wide range of educationally disadvantaged groups.
Local management group, Portugal:
João Paulo Proença
Project coordinator
Intermunicipality Library Coordinator (Portuguese School libraries Network)
Teacher, Carlos Cargaté cluster of Schools
Maria da Graça Carvalha
Carlos Gargaté cluster of Schools
Cláudia Corado
Coordinator of Class Directors and of a Comenius Project Teacher, Carlos Gargaté cluster of Schools
It aims to investigate, develop and disseminate practical means of reducing Early School Leaving (ESL) through partnerships between schools and Regional Educational Centres. (RECs) Reducing ESL to below 10% is a Europe 2020 headline target.
RECs include a wide range of agencies and organizations providing training and support to local networks of schools, such as:
a. government departments,
b. municipal education authorities
c. pedagogical centres
We focus on how RECs can best meet the training and support needs of teachers and school leaders working with the children and families of a wide range of educationally disadvantaged groups, including migrant and Roma communities.
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